Ticket FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Adler Theatre Show Tickets

Find out all the information you need about tickets and our box office in these frequently asked questions, and answers.

Q: When will I receive a refund for a canceled show?

A: Once a show has been canceled, an email will be sent to ticket holders with refund details for that specific performance.  Refunds will be available at the original point of purchase. Due to the unprecedented volume of cancellations and postponements, please expect to receive your refund in as soon as 30 days.

Q: If a show has been rescheduled, what are my ticket options?

A: We encourage patrons to hold on to their tickets, as they will be honored for the rescheduled date. If you are not able to attend the new date, refunds will be available at the original point of purchase.

Q: What if I purchased tickets through a secondary market place?

A: If you purchased tickets through a third party, you will need to contact that ticketing company directly to obtain a refund. The Adler Theatre Box Office and Ticketmaster.com are the only authorized distributors for RiverCenter Adler Theatre performances. The Adler Theatre cannot guarantee authenticity of tickets purchased through secondary ticket companies or third party individuals.

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